What to Expect from a loveUSB Photo Sequence
Your very own LoveUSB is made just for you.
We begin with a consultation, where together we come up with your very own theme. I can show you examples of slideshows to give you ideas. Your partner might have particular fantasies about you which you might want to incorporate. We discuss your comfort level and ask you to have a chaperone close by or in touch by phone during the shoot to ensure everybody feels relaxed.
We set a time and place, which would be typically at your home, but could be anywhere you fancy (within reason). I take a small booking fee to secure the date, and you will be expected to pay the balance at the end of the session. The session allows for up to one and a half hours of photography and costs from just £220. The only extras might be extra time, if required, at £60 per hour and any major retouching, if necessary, which would be quoted for.
About 7 days after the shoot, you will be invited to view the images, which typically number around 50 to 100. From these we select which are to go into the final presentation, and which need any further enhancement. You can have prints at my reasonable rates, too.
Your exciting gift will be password protected and supplied in a sexy brushed aluminium USB drive in a contemporary tin box.
Your lucky partner will be able to play the slideshow a PC or Mac and enjoy your company at any time, however far from you.
Call me or Christine on 0161 485 2318 now to set the ball rolling with your very own loveUSB .
Ian Cartwright
Now, here's an idea! Hold a loveUSB party! Have a fun time and earn a little extra cash!
Call us now on 0161 485 2318 for more information.